Equestrian facilities are the basic lifeblood of Rancho del Paso. The owners / builders of Rancho del Paso have invested over $3/4 million USD in creating facilities to house and work with their Peruvian Paso horses. There are 5 stalls/private paddocks for the owners' horses, and 5 more for boarders to share this paradise with us, as well as an "overflow" stall that serves for quarantine, foaling or a larger horse to have more room. We studied each boarding stable that we kept our horses in, picking out the good and the ... well, areas for improvement. We read many books and internet articles and chat boards, and took an extension course from Texas A&M, all in the aid of designing and building the best facilities we could.
RDP's equestrian area includes:
10 stalls, each with attached private paddock partially covered by a sunshade
A central coutyard in the stable with fountain and lanterns, modellled after courtyards in Andalusia
Green, irrigated grass pastures
Huge hay & feed room
Spacious tack room
Lounge with bathroom, sink, fridge, microwave, tools, and first aid supplies for horses
Office / workout room
Vet stocks
Storage buildings and compost-processing bins
50' round pen
Grass-covered riding arena
Open and airy stalls -- no winter weather here
Javier Rodriguez de Ibarra, full-time RDP manager. Javier's family has lived for generations in San Nicolas de Ibarra, one of the towns in the valley below RDP.
Jane on Mi Principe Hermoso, in the courtyard of the stables
Unloading hay at the rancho. We have a door that opens directly from the feedroom to the road; and we can store up to two full truckloads of hay at a time.
Youngsters in the pasture
Mi Principe Hermoso (registered Peruvian Paso gelding) larking about with the chain across his stall door.
Agraciada Dama (registered Peruvian Paso mare), Performance Champion and mother of RDPc Niña Chocolatina
Frank on Hermoso, heading back up the lane to the stables from the arena (to your right)