Hacienda Alta and Rancho del Paso
Hacienda Alta Gated Community -- South of Rancho Del Paso
Garden Compost for Sale
Hacienda Alta Development
NO LOTS are being sold...
HA House #1 SOLD
Directions to HA
Rancho del Paso (RDP)
Directions to RDP
Courtyard and Fountain in Stables; Jane holding Pildorin de Nirvana
Top of the arena, entrance to stable courtyard, sunshade over attached paddock
Gracie in pasture, 4 months pregnant
Contented horses, knee-deep in RDP pasture
Irrigated pastures
Round Pen and gardens
View to lake, sun shelter and water trough for the horses
Adorno being worked in the round pen
Bedding and manure storage
Street scene in downtown Chapala
View over the riding arena to mountains in the east
Front of the stalls under the covered arcade
Pildorin in his paddock
Vet stocks and ATV at the stables
Rainbow over the mountains looking east from RDP (dry season)