To view a video that shows the views from the lots click on the YouTube link below
Hacienda Alta Luxury Homes and Lake View Building Lots
The "Hacienda Alta" gate opens to a small, elite subdivision of 6 building lots, named Hacienda Alta because it is on a high ridgeline of what was once the working hacienda of La Labor -- an amazingly beautiful and peaceful place to build or buy your dream home. The sweeping vistas are un-paralleled in any other lots available Lakeside. Breezes coming up from the lake to the ridge that RDP stands on are cool and refreshing, and keep the amount of flying insects to a minimum. The pastoral setting -- less than 10 minutes from the Chapala malecon, stores, tennis and golf -- ensures your peace and quiet; and deed restrictions (plus the placement on top of a high ridgeline) enforce an un-encumbered view from each house built within Hacienda Alta.
The 6 lot subdivision has clear titles for each lot individually -- Hacienda Alta's "Vista" lots 1, 2, 3, 5A, 5B, and 6 (the lowest numbers are closest to the street). A number of pre-built amenities are included in the price of each lot -- clearing the ground, and grading the lots, exterior wall and fences surrounding the development with electrified and alarmed security system on the road frontage, gated entrance with an interior access road, provision for individual electrical meters and SIMAPA water supply, and underground conduits to run your utility lines. The purchase price includes a private access road with "empedrado" paving and underground utility and communication (intercom to the gate) conduits.
Lot 1 ("HA1") already has a house built on it, which has been sold. Lot 2 has a newly built luxury residence now for sale. More information about this house can be found on the HA2 web page.
Hand-wrought iron work in the owners' house
View from the terrace of the owners' house, looking east
Clearing and tilling the lots - grass planted
CLICK HERE to see More Pictures....... mostly of the equestrian facilities but a few of the Hacienda Alta lots